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indicating control中文

用"indicating control"造句"indicating control" in a sentence"indicating control"怎麼讀


  • 指示控制器


  • We have indicated controls at both the sources and the receptors .
  • Initializes a new instance of the binding class that simple - binds the indicated control property to the specified data member of the data source
  • Initializes a new instance of the binding class that binds the indicated control property to the specified data member of the specified data source
  • Initializes a new instance of the binding class that binds the indicated control property to the specified data member of the data source , and optionally enables formatting to be applied
    類的一個新實例,該實例將指示的控件屬性綁定到數據源的指定數據成員,并啟用要應用的格式設置(可選) 。
  • Experimental data indicate control system can correct completion the rise or fall of voltage transformer and the throw or cut of capacitor - group , prevent equipments from frequently regulated and shakes , raise the lifespan of the equipments
用"indicating control"造句  
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